Photo of chiropractor assessing the lower back of a young male patient.

York Chiropractor, Jonathan Brack, Discusses spinal disc problems.

Whether in the lower back or neck, spinal disc issues can be particularly unpleasant for the sufferer (disc issues are rarely experienced in the mid back due to the rib-cage).

But chiropractic isn’t just cracking joints!

York Chiropractor, Matt Pisarski, demonstrates a technique called flexion-distraction, which can be particularly useful for lower back disc problems

Here you can see Matt demonstrate a technique called flexion-distraction, which can be particularly useful for lower back spinal disc problems.

flexion-distraction demonstration

The basic principle is that flexion with traction at a specific level of the spine stretches the disc axially, hopefully encouraging reduction of disc bulges and/or disc herniations. This particular movement also opens the intervertebral foramina, which is a likely area of impingement when disc bulges compress nerve roots, causing nerve pain down the leg.

the lumbar spine, showing a disc herniation, intervertebral foramina, and nerve roots, to illustrate nerve root impingement.

The movement is done in a gradual repetitive pumping way, to slowly stretch the involved area.

All three of our treatment rooms have this specialist treatment facility available.

Disc and/or nerve issues are often slower to improve when compared to joint and muscle complaints. This is quite normal however, as nerves are particularly slow at healing. It can often mean that the prognosis for time for recovery for these types of complaints is longer, and nerve issues can take several months to feel significantly improved with treatment.

Sometimes more severe disc issues (particularly in the lower back) can require surgery.

See our post on nerve pain for more information York Chiropractor, Nerve pain, trapped nerves, sciatica and discs

Local York chiropractors who care about you

At Acomb Chiropractic clinic, our local York chiropractors are dedicated to finding you the best solution, and treatment techniques that work for you. We want to get you feeling better and enjoying life.

Bad neck? bad back? Just broken? It’s what we do! Get in touch, or call us for more information.

Contact us – Acomb Chiropractic Clinic

☎️ 01904 798444